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Show: Pure Imagination

Hosts: Rachel Trachtenburg & Julia Cumming

Time: Wednesday 1:00pm(est)


Rachel Trachtenburg's Pure Imagination is what's happening from the perspective of today's teens. Arts, politics, music, and special guests line the airwaves to inform and entertain everyone!
     Host Rachel Trachtenburg, 17, draws from her experience as a political activist, artist, actress, and touring vaudeville musician to bring her outlook on today's most important issues. Rachel is a world renowned entertainer who has used her platform to testify at New York's City Hall on accounts of horse-drawn carriage abuses and Mayor Bloomberg's corruption for extending term limits. She has appeared on countless magazine covers, articles, and television shows including Late Nite w/ Conan O'Brien and full features in The New York Times (on 3 separate occasions), The New Yorker, Entertainment Weekly, and Spin Magazine.
    Rachel Trachtenburg has already toured North America and Europe with her all teen girl bubblegum pop band SUPERCUTE! Co-host Julia Cumming, 15, a student at the Professional Performing Arts School, and also in SUPERCUTE!, joins Rachel Trachtenburg's Pure imagination to keep you in the loop with today's teens.

Listen live weekly @ 1pm(est) Wednesdays